Monday, February 7, 2011

The Big Day Has Come!

After 4 months of nail biting the time has finally come. My band is playing our very first show as Where Men Win Glory. This is not only a big day for our band but it is a very big for me because it will be my first time playing music that I wrote in front of a audience of people. I have played in front of a crowd of people but I wasn’t playing, I was playing sublime and other bands music but this time its all me and what I have written and to make things worse it will be in front of a crowd of other musicians awaking their chance to play there music. I think that it will go good because I think my bands stage preformance will blow the others out of the water because as a band we don’t only practice our music but we work on how we present ourselves on stage. I hate watching bands that are boring on stage. I think that no matter how good you are in the studio, if you don’t know how to work a crowd then your probably not going to get a good fan base. I have waited all my life to finally do this, Im so excited for this because it is hopefully going to be the start of my career.
 “Striving 4 success without hard work is like looking for fruit in places that you didnt plant seeds! Useless!” -Rev Run

1 comment:

  1. Dude I totally agree, reguardless of how good you sound if your band is boring on stage you'll lose the fans. I didn't get to hear your band play but I was told you guys did good.
